AV-Comparatives.org Anti-Phishing Results 2011
1. Webroot - 98.6
2. eScan - 97.3
3. McAfee - 96.7
4. Bullguard - 96.1
5. Bitdefender - 94.4
6. Trend Micro - 92.8
7. F-Secure - 92.1
8. Symantec - 89.4
9. Avira - 89.1
10. K7 - 88.7
There was no real correlation when Anti-Phishing results were mapped against AV-Comparative.org’s On Demand Detection of Malicious Software August 2011 Test. Eeeek. One would hope the better products would rise to the top in both tests. Maybe next time.

A major whoops to TrustPort who finished 18th at 76.9%. Also, TrustPort and Bullguard have consistently been top performers in Virus Bulletin RAP Average Quadrant http://kensek.blogspot.com/2011/08/august-2011-virus-bulletin-rap-averages.html . McAfee and K7, not so much.
AV-Comparatives is an Austrian Non-Profit-Organization, which provides independent Anti-Virus software tests free to the public.
Go to their website for complete details about the organization, the many tests they perform, and to download copies of tests.
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