Among those receiving the VB100 award, in market share order: Avast, Avira, AVG Technologies, BitDefender, Eset¸ F-Secure, and Kaspersky. Coranti did not receive a VB100. They were one of the top three products in the latest RAP Averages Quadrant, representing December 2010 through June 2011 data. G Data also failed to receive the award.
OPSWAT Market Share Combined With VB100 Success Rate
The following table is a combines vendor market share from the OPSWAT June Market Share Report and company success rate obtaining VB100 awards. To be included in the table they have to have (obviously) received a VB100 award in June and been in the OPSWAT June report.
The companies in the below are listed on the basis of market share. The number of tests the companies below participated in vary. A strong argument can be made that it's only the most recent tests that are relevant. Nonetheless, a number of companies do like to promote their extended track record when they market their VB100 success rate. These were the only companies in the 20 from the relevant OPSWAT table that made the cut.

Data for the success rate came from
VB100 Test Methodology
The purpose of the VB100 comparative is to provide insight into the relative performance of the solutions taking part in the tests, covering as wide a range of areas as possible within the limitations of time and available resources. More details are available at
UK based Virus Bulletin started in 1989. The organization provides PC users with a regular source of intelligence about computer viruses, their prevention, detection and removal, and how to recover programs and data following an attack. VB’s website is at